dashboard / pico / chore: container logs to pipe #36 rss

accepted · opened on 2024-11-20T04:59:44Z by erock
# add changes to patch request
git format-patch main --stdout | ssh pr.pico.sh pr add 36
# add review to patch request
git format-patch main --stdout | ssh pr.pico.sh pr add --review 36
# remove patchset
ssh pr.pico.sh ps rm ps-x
# checkout all patches
ssh pr.pico.sh pr print 36 | git am -3
# print a diff between the last two patches in a patch request
ssh pr.pico.sh pr diff 36
# accept PR
ssh pr.pico.sh pr accept 36
# close PR
ssh pr.pico.sh pr close 36


erock created pr with ps-75 on 2024-11-20T04:59:44Z
erock added ps-76 on 2024-11-20T05:01:44Z
erock changed status on 2024-11-23T03:34:33Z {"status":"accepted"}


ps-75 by erock on 2024-11-20T04:59:44Z
Range Diff ↕
1: c729638 = 1: c729638 chore: container logs to pipe
-: ------- > 2: ebfa197 chore: rm build ctx from pipemgr service
ps-76 by erock on 2024-11-20T05:01:44Z

Patchset ps-75

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chore: container logs to pipe

.env.example link
+3 -0
 1diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example
 2index cd56239..41063b8 100644
 3--- a/.env.example
 4+++ b/.env.example
 5@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ REGISTRY_URL=registry:5000
12 MINIO_CADDYFILE=./caddy/Caddyfile.minio
13 MINIO_DOMAIN=minio.dev.pico.sh
14 MINIO_EMAIL=hello@pico.sh
docker-compose.override.yml link
+2 -0
 1diff --git a/docker-compose.override.yml b/docker-compose.override.yml
 2index dce05a2..b097dc7 100644
 3--- a/docker-compose.override.yml
 4+++ b/docker-compose.override.yml
 5@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ services:
 6       - .env.example
 7     ports:
 8       - "3002:3000"
 9+    volumes:
10+      - ./data/prose-web/data:/app/ssh_data
11   prose-ssh:
12     build:
13       args:
docker-compose.prod.yml link
+10 -0
 1diff --git a/docker-compose.prod.yml b/docker-compose.prod.yml
 2index 12cb24a..4d24864 100644
 3--- a/docker-compose.prod.yml
 4+++ b/docker-compose.prod.yml
 5@@ -164,6 +164,11 @@ services:
 6       - .env.prod
 7     volumes:
 8       - ./data/prose-ssh/data:/app/ssh_data
 9+    labels:
10+      pipemgr: true
11+    depends_on:
12+      pipemgr:
13+        condition: service_healthy
14   prose-ssh:
15     networks:
16       prose:
17@@ -256,6 +261,11 @@ services:
18     volumes:
19       - ./data/storage/data:/app/.storage
20       - ./data/pgs-ssh/data:/app/ssh_data
21+    labels:
22+      pipemgr: true
23+    depends_on:
24+      pipemgr:
25+        condition: service_healthy
26   pgs-ssh:
27     networks:
28       pgs:
docker-compose.yml link
+17 -0
 1diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
 2index 3545211..ac2afae 100644
 3--- a/docker-compose.yml
 4+++ b/docker-compose.yml
 5@@ -29,6 +29,23 @@ services:
 6     profiles:
 7       - db
 8       - all
 9+  pipemgr:
10+    build:
11+      context: .
12+    image: ghcr.io/picosh/pipemgr:latest
13+    restart: always
14+    volumes:
15+      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
16+      - ${PICO_PIPE_KEY}:/key:ro
17+    healthcheck:
18+      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8080/health"]
19+      interval: 2s
20+      timeout: 5s
21+      retries: 5
22+      start_period: 1s
23+    profiles:
24+      - all
25+      - log
26   pastes-web:
27     image: ghcr.io/picosh/pico/pastes-web:latest
28     restart: always