dashboard / docs / docs: global docs #42 rss

open · opened on 2025-01-13T01:24:09Z by erock
# add changes to patch request
git format-patch main --stdout | ssh pr.pico.sh pr add 42
# add review to patch request
git format-patch main --stdout | ssh pr.pico.sh pr add --review 42
# remove patchset
ssh pr.pico.sh ps rm ps-x
# checkout all patches
ssh pr.pico.sh pr print 42 | git am -3
# print a diff between the last two patches in a patch request
ssh pr.pico.sh pr diff 42
# accept PR
ssh pr.pico.sh pr accept 42
# close PR
ssh pr.pico.sh pr close 42


erock created pr with ps-89 on 2025-01-13T01:24:09Z
erock added ps-90 on 2025-01-13T01:25:24Z


ps-89 by erock on 2025-01-13T01:24:09Z
Range Diff ↕ rd-90
1: d1a7089 ! 1: 786b48a docs: global docs
ps-90 by erock on 2025-01-13T01:25:24Z

Patchset ps-89

docs: global docs

Eric Bower
+5 -0
+12 -6
+13 -0
Back to top

docs: global docs

main.go link
+5 -0
 1diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
 2index 2065890..17c48dc 100644
 3--- a/main.go
 4+++ b/main.go
 5@@ -149,6 +149,11 @@ func main() {
 6 						Href: "/faq",
 7 						Page: pager("faq.md"),
 8 					},
 9+					{
10+						Text: "Regions",
11+						Href: "/regions",
12+						Page: pager("regions.md"),
13+					},
14 					{
15 						Text: "IRC",
16 						Href: "/irc",
posts/pgs.md link
+12 -6
 1diff --git a/posts/pgs.md b/posts/pgs.md
 2index e20446c..44670fe 100644
 3--- a/posts/pgs.md
 4+++ b/posts/pgs.md
 5@@ -492,17 +492,23 @@ Then open your browser to http://localhost:1337
 7 # Caching
 9-To improve the page speed, pgs sites are cached for 10 minutes by default. This is controlled by the [`Cache-Control: max-age=600` header](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control) which you can [override with a `_headers` file](#headers).
10+To improve the page speed, pgs sites are cached for 10 minutes by default. This
11+is controlled by the
12+[`Cache-Control: max-age=600` header](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control)
13+which you can [override with a `_headers` file](#headers).
15-There are two levels of caching: server-side and client-side. The server-side cache is automatically cleared every time you upload files, but client-side caches only expire when `max-age` seconds pass, or if you force-reload or clear your browser cache manually.
16+There are two levels of caching: server-side and client-side. The server-side
17+cache is automatically cleared every time you upload files, but client-side
18+caches only expire when `max-age` seconds pass, or if you force-reload or clear
19+your browser cache manually.
21-In case of issues, you can manually clear the server-side cache with `ssh pgs.sh cache project-name`.
22+In case of issues, you can manually clear the server-side cache with
23+`ssh pgs.sh cache project-name`.
25 # Does pages have a CDN or multi-region support?
27-At this point in time, we are able to serve content from a single VM. If this
28-service gains traction we will commit to having a CDN with multiple regions in
29-the US and EU.
30+Yes, we run pages in multiple regions, internationally. See our
31+[regions page](/regions) to learn more.
33 # Removing a project
posts/regions.md link
+22 -0
 1diff --git a/posts/regions.md b/posts/regions.md
 2new file mode 100644
 3index 0000000..30afc40
 4--- /dev/null
 5+++ b/posts/regions.md
 6@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
 8+title: Regions
 9+description: Where are our services located?
10+keywords: [pico, services, pgs, tuns]
11+toc: 1
14+- Ashburn, Virginia ([oci](https://cloud.oracle.com))
15+- Amsterdam, Netherlands ([netcup](https://www.netcup.com))
17+# Service Locations
19+- pgs.sh (us, eu)
20+- tuns.sh (us)
21+- eu.tuns.sh (eu)
22+- pipe.pico.sh (us)
23+- prose.sh (us)
24+- pastes.sh (us)
25+- rss-to-emal (us)
27+As demand for our services increases we will increase our service location
posts/tuns.md link
+13 -0
 1diff --git a/posts/tuns.md b/posts/tuns.md
 2index 7afc569..b73e198 100644
 3--- a/posts/tuns.md
 4+++ b/posts/tuns.md
 5@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ ssh -R dev:80:localhost:8000 tuns.sh
 6 # now anyone can access it at https://{user}-dev.tuns.sh
 7 ```
 9+# Regions
11+We do **not** have geographical-based routing for tuns.sh.
13+However, we do provide a way for users to pick a server location. With that we
14+have a couple options:
16+- tuns.sh (us, virginia)
17+- eu.tuns.sh (eu, amsterdam)
19+As usage and demand increases we will add more regions. See [regions](/regions)
20+for our official list.
22 # User namespace
24 When creating a tunnel to `tuns` we always prefix the name with your username: