dashboard / erock/docs / docs: global docs #42 rss

accepted · opened on 2025-01-13T01:24:09Z by erock
# checkout latest patchset
ssh pr.pico.sh print pr-42 | git am -3
# checkout any patchset in a patch request
ssh pr.pico.sh print ps-X | git am -3
# add changes to patch request
git format-patch main --stdout | ssh pr.pico.sh pr add 42
# add review to patch request
git format-patch main --stdout | ssh pr.pico.sh pr add --review 42
# accept PR
ssh pr.pico.sh pr accept 42
# close PR
ssh pr.pico.sh pr close 42


erock created pr with ps-89 on 2025-01-13T01:24:09Z
erock added ps-90 on 2025-01-13T01:25:24Z
erock added ps-97 on 2025-01-24T14:31:45Z
erock added ps-98 on 2025-01-24T14:32:16Z
erock changed status on 2025-02-01T18:43:43Z {"status":"accepted"}


ps-89 by erock on 2025-01-13T01:24:09Z
Range Diff ↕ rd-90
1: d1a7089 ! 1: 786b48a docs: global docs
ps-90 by erock on 2025-01-13T01:25:24Z
Range Diff ↕ rd-97
1: 786b48a ! 1: 1e37996 docs: global docs
-: ------- > 2: 4a7df87 changes
-: ------- > 3: a2f41f6 changes
ps-97 by erock on 2025-01-24T14:31:45Z
Range Diff ↕ rd-98
1: 1e37996 < -: ------- docs: global docs
3: a2f41f6 ! 1: 4b2c45c docs: global docs
2: 4a7df87 < -: ------- changes
ps-98 by erock on 2025-01-24T14:32:16Z

Range-diff rd-98

docs: global docs
Patch removed
old #1
new #0
docs: global docs
Patch changed
old #3
new #1
Patch removed
old #2
new #0
Back to top
1: 1e37996 < -: ------- docs: global docs
3: a2f41f6 ! 1: 4b2c45c docs: global docs
posts/pgs.md posts/pgs.md
 - [Image manipulation API](/images#image-manipulation)
 - [Private projects](#access-control-list)
 - [No bandwidth limitations](/faq#are-there-any-bandwidth-limitations)
+- Multi-region support
 ## Demo
 ssh pgs.sh help
+# Regions
+> pgs.sh is a global service!
+See our [regions page](/regions) to learn more about our geographical service
 # Instant promotion and rollback
 Additionally you can setup a pipeline for promotion and rollbacks, which will
 In case of issues, you can manually clear the server-side cache with
 `ssh pgs.sh cache project-name`.
-# Does pages have a CDN or multi-region support?
-Yes, we run pages in multiple regions, internationally. See our
-[regions page](/regions) to learn more.
 # Removing a project
 The _only_ way to delete a project and its contents is with our remote cli:
 The `prose` site is automatically generated when users upload images to their
 [prose](/prose) blog.
-It is protected, meaning users are **not** allowed to delete it. For all intents and
-purposes users should just ignore it.
+It is protected, meaning users are **not** allowed to delete it. For all intents
+and purposes users should just ignore it.
 However, just know, if you make changes to this project it will effect your
 blog. So if you upload images to it then you'll be able to reference those
posts/pgs.md posts/pgs.md
 - [Image manipulation API](/images#image-manipulation)
 - [Private projects](#access-control-list)
 - [No bandwidth limitations](/faq#are-there-any-bandwidth-limitations)
+- Multi-region support
 ## Demo
 ssh pgs.sh help
+# Regions
+> pgs.sh is a global service!
+See our [regions page](/regions) to learn more about our geographical service
 # Instant promotion and rollback
 Additionally you can setup a pipeline for promotion and rollbacks, which will
 In case of issues, you can manually clear the server-side cache with
 `ssh pgs.sh cache project-name`.
-# Does pages have a CDN or multi-region support?
-At this point in time, we are able to serve content from a single VM. If this
-service gains traction we will commit to having a CDN with multiple regions in
-the US and EU.
 # Removing a project
 The _only_ way to delete a project and its contents is with our remote cli:
 The `prose` site is automatically generated when users upload images to their
 [prose](/prose) blog.
-It is protected, meaning users are **not** allowed to delete it. For all intents and
-purposes users should just ignore it.
+It is protected, meaning users are **not** allowed to delete it. For all intents
+and purposes users should just ignore it.
 However, just know, if you make changes to this project it will effect your
 blog. So if you upload images to it then you'll be able to reference those
posts/regions.md posts/regions.md
 title: Regions
 description: Where are our services located?
-keywords: [pico, services, pgs, tuns]
+keywords: [pico, services, pgs, tuns, global, international]
 toc: 1
 - nue.tuns.sh (eu)
 - pipe.pico.sh (us)
 - prose.sh (us)
-- pastes.sh (us)
 - feeds.pico.sh (us)
+- pastes.sh (us)
-As demand for our services increases we will increase our service location
-coverage. Please feel free to request new regions or service location coverage,
-that will only help us decide when to grow.
+We are closely monitoring demand for more regions at pico. Our goal is to
+provide excellent service latency for all users. Feel free to
+[contact us](/contact) with recommendations on new locations.
+title: Regions
+description: Where are our services located?
+keywords: [pico, services, pgs, tuns, global, international]
+toc: 1
+As of **2025/01** we have two locations:
+- Ashburn, Virginia ([oci](https://cloud.oracle.com))
+- Nuremberg, Germany ([netcup](https://www.netcup.com))
+Service Locations:
+- pgs.sh (us, eu)
+- tuns.sh (us)
+- nue.tuns.sh (eu)
+- pipe.pico.sh (us)
+- prose.sh (us)
+- feeds.pico.sh (us)
+- pastes.sh (us)
+We are closely monitoring demand for more regions at pico. Our goal is to
+provide excellent service latency for all users. Feel free to
+[contact us](/contact) with recommendations on new locations.
posts/tuns.md posts/tuns.md
 - Host public tcp services on `localhost`
 - Share your local webserver privately with another user
 - Managed [sish](https://docs.ssi.sh) service
+- Multi-region support
 Using SSH tunnels, we can forward requests to your localhost from https, wss,
 and tcp.
 # Regions
-We do **not** have geographical-based routing for tuns.sh.
+> tuns.sh is a global service!
-However, we do provide a way for users to pick a server location. With that we
-have a couple options:
+We do **not** have geographical-based routing for tuns.sh, so users have to pick
+the service location that best fits their needs.
-- tuns.sh (us, virginia)
-- eu.tuns.sh (eu, amsterdam)
-As usage and demand increases we will add more regions. See [regions](/regions)
-for our official list.
+See our [regions page](/regions) to learn more about our geographical service
 # User namespace
posts/tuns.md posts/tuns.md
 - Host public tcp services on `localhost`
 - Share your local webserver privately with another user
 - Managed [sish](https://docs.ssi.sh) service
+- Multi-region support
 Using SSH tunnels, we can forward requests to your localhost from https, wss,
 and tcp.
 # now anyone can access it at https://{user}-dev.tuns.sh
+# Regions
+> tuns.sh is a global service!
+We do **not** have geographical-based routing for tuns.sh, so users have to pick
+the service location that best fits their needs.
+See our [regions page](/regions) to learn more about our geographical service
 # User namespace
 When creating a tunnel to `tuns` we always prefix the name with your username: